“Gender Training for the Trainers Course”, 6 Sep. 2021

The „Gender Training for the Trainers Course“ has kicked off in RACVIAC - after a year-and- a-half we are finally back together live!
It will last from 6 September to 17 September 2021 and is being organized by #RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation, Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations - NCGM and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia.

On behalf of RACVIAC Director, MG Slaven Zdilar, Deputy Director of RACVIAC, opened the course with words: "This event is a continuation of a series of annual activities launched in 2013, aimed at promotion of gender equality policies and equal opportunities in the security sector. This being the th Course organised by RACVIAC certainly shows RACVIAC relevance as a regional hub for gender mainstreaming in the South East European region."

Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations - NCGM Commander, greeted the course participants via video call, wished them luck and referred on the long-standing cooperation that RACVIAC and NSGM have. He also took the opportunity to congratulate RACVIAC on it's 20th anniversary.
The representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, greeted participants and pointed out the fact that almost all the instructors on this course were attendees of previous years, like them now. He told the participants to take advantage of the course and give themselves a chance to repeat what they already know and adopt something new.

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